More nice reviews!
Back from D.C., which was hot (triple digits—ugh!), dispiriting (the debt ceiling “debate”), inspiring (The Smithsonian, the monuments—especially the Jefferson, FDR, and Lincoln), and awesome (Man-U v Barca – even if the final score left something to be desired)....
Interview with BookPage
Peter Spiegelman's fourth novel, Thick as Thieves, is one hell of a heist thriller and one of our Whodunit? picks for August 2011. Our reviewer called it "a superbly crafted tale, pulsing with tension, twisty as a corkscrew and positively demanding to be read in...
Nice Reviews for THICK AS THIEVES!
I’m catching up on all the stuff I missed while I was away, including some early reviews of THICK AS THIEVES. I was glad to see Booklist’s starred review Ever read a thriller so nicely written you flip back a few pages to re-experience an especially...